
REGIONAL& STATE쯳pan>PLACERS Last Updated 8/11/2007 21:27
Hugh Page 1972 101 1st  
Benjy Wheeler 1973 HWT 2nd  
Chris Benfield 1974 198 1st  
David Smith 1974 158 2nd  
Randy Adcox 1974 122 2nd  
Sherwin (Hammer) Queen 1976 170 1st 4th
Mark Teague 1977 129 2nd  
John McCloy 1978 188 4th  
Scott Hunter 1978 108 3rd  
Chip Cannon 1979 122 1st  
Darel Reese 1979 101 2nd  
David Queen 1979 170 4th  
Scott Hunter 1979 115 2nd  
Chip Cannon 1980 129 2nd 4th
Darel Reese 1981 122 2nd  
Kenneth McDowell 1981 101 1st  
Scott Killian 1981 188 2nd  
Wes Starnes 1981 170 4th  
Kenneth McDowell 1982 108 1st  
Chris Peterson 1983 158 4th  
Scott Killian 1983 HWT 1st  
Doug Killian 1984 115 4th  
John Gilbert 1984 148 3rd  
Eric Isenhour 1985 HWT 4th  
James Carswell 1985 198 3rd  
Scott Edwards 1985 135 2nd  
Doug Killian 1986 115 3rd 3rd
James Carswell 1986 198 2nd  
Bryan Pitts 1987 112 4th  
Doug Yoder 1987 98 4th  
Eric Isenhour 1987 HWT 1st 3rd
Kevin Berry 1987 185 4th  
Kevin Carter 1987 155 1st 2nd
Paul Queen 1987 167 4th  
Steve Floyd 1987 132 3rd  
Brad Amstutz 1988 125 3rd  
Doyle Spencer 1988 160 3rd  
Bryan Allen 1989 189 1st  
Doyle Spencer 1989 171 3rd  
Jason Lail 1989 125 2nd  
Keith Petty 1989 160 4th  
Scott Kerns 1989 103 2nd  
Blake Sims 1990 145 2nd  
Doyle Spencer 1990 171 2nd 3rd
Jason Barry 1990 189 4th  
Jason Lail 1990 125 3rd  
Lynn Clodfelter 1990 160 1st  
Robert Stone 1990 135 2nd  
Scott Kerns 1990 103 2nd 3rd
Taylor Workman 1990 152 4th  
Brandon Fisher 1991 140 1st 4th
Carlos Allred 1991 189 2nd  
Robert Stone 1991 145 2nd  
Scott Kerns 1991 112 2nd 3rd
Steve Cobb 1991 152 4th  
Billy Chad Dellinger 1992 103 3rd  
Brandon Fisher 1992 145 1st 2nd
Carlos Allred 1992 189 1st 4th
Jason Cheek 1992 160 4th 4th
Jason Roseman 1992 119 4th  
Steve Cobb 1992 152 2nd  
Billy Chad Dellinger 1993 112 4th  
Robbie Lail 1993 135 1st  
Billy Chad Dellinger 1994 125 2nd  
Chad Parker 1994 152 4th  
David Miller 1994 HWT 2nd  
Robbie Lail 1994 145 2nd  
Roy Hoffman 1994 130 4th  
Steve Keller 1994 119 4th  
Billy Chad Dellinger 1995 145 1st 4th
Jason Watts 1995 112 3rd  
Jeremy Mullinax 1995 125 2nd  
Joshua Benfield 1995 189 2nd  
Robbie Lail 1995 152 1st 1st
Shawn Allred 1995 171 2nd  
Wes Jefferies 1995 130 4th  
Brandon Pierce 1996 103 2nd  
Jason Mertz 1996 125 3rd  
John Best 1996 215 3rd  
Josh Cutshaw 1996 152 3rd  
Joshua Benfield 1996 189 1st  
Robbie Lail 1996 160 1st 1st
Roy Hoffman 1996 130 2nd  
Shawn Allred 1996 171 4th  
Wes Jefferies 1996 135 3rd 4th
Brandon Pierce 1997 112 4th  
Jason Mertz 1997 140 1st 3rd
Josh Cutshaw 1997 152 2nd  
Joshua Benfield 1997 189 1st 4th
Roy Hoffman 1997 130 3rd  
Todd Bryant 1997 135 1st  
Ashley Lutz 1998 215 4th  
Josh Cutshaw 1998 152 4th  
Adam Hoffman 1999 130 3rd  
Chris Lotsey 1999 152 4th  
Adam Hoffman 2000 135 3rd  
Darrett (DJ) Whitfield 2000 130 4th  
Drew Forshey 2000 103 1st 1st
Josh Triplett 2000 189 2nd  
Lance Greer 2000 140 3rd 3rd
Adam Hoffman 2001 130 4th  
Drew Forshey 2001 112 1st 1st
Josh Triplett 2001 189 1st  
Lance Greer 2001 135 2nd 4th
Matt White 2001 HWT 4th  
Adam Hosterman 2002 140 2nd  
Derek Crump 2002 130 4th  
Drew Forshey 2002 119 1st 1st
Jonathan Troutman 2002 125 3rd  
Josh Triplett 2002 189 2nd  
Matt White 2002 HWT 2nd  
Nathan Sefcik 2002 145 1st  
Vanna Lao 2002 112 4th  
Ben Godfrey 2003 189 2nd  
Brandon Sisk 2003 171 1st 3rd
Drew Forshey 2003 125 1st 1st
Jonathan Troutman 2003 135 3rd 6th
Justin Isaacs 2003 215 1st  
Nathan Sefcik 2003 140 1st  
Derek Crump 2004 140 2nd  
Jesus Vazquez 2004 103 3rd  
Jonathan Troutman 2004 130 1st 2nd
Justin Isaacs 2004 215 2nd 6th
Kyle Stephens 2004 112 4th  
Stephen Esposito 2004 152 1st  
Stuart Colwell 2004 HWT 3rd  
Dylan Godfrey 2005 171 1st 3rd
Jesus Vazquez 2005 112 3rd 6th
Kyle Stephens 2005 125 4th  
Shane Broyhill 2005 160 2nd  
Travis Krogman 2005 189 2nd  
Bradley Pendleton 2006 125 2nd  
Cody Rink 2006 140 2nd  
Dylan Godfrey 2006 171 2nd 3rd
Jesus Vazquez 2006 103 1st 2nd
Kyle Stephens 2006 135 4th  
Sam Monish 2006 130 2nd  
Travis Krogman 2006 189 2nd 4th
Travis Paap 2006 119 4th  
Kurk Stephens 2007 103 1st 2nd
Jesus Vazquez 2007 112 1st 4th
Cody Stephens 2007 119 4th  
Travis Paap 2007 125 2nd  
Bradley Pendleton 2007 130 3rd 6th
Sam Monish 2007 135 3rd  
Cody Rink 2007 140 3rd 6th
Brandon Lackey 2007 145 4th  
Justin Baumgarner 2007 160 1st 3rd

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